Minecraft gamerules cheatsheet

Unsure what gamerule does what? It's quite confusing, isn't it?

Minecraft has a lot of different gamerules which can change the way your servers works. Gamerules can alter multiple game mechanics, a full list of the different gamerules can be found below.

Gamerules can be changed using the following command:

/gamerule <rule> <value>

1.8 and later

commandBlockOutput Should the output of commands sent in command blocks be sent to console and server operators? (true/false)

doDaylightCycle Should time pass by? Setting this to false will mean that the server stays at the current time. (true/false)

doEntityDrops Should entities (excluding mobs) have drops? (true/false)

doFireTick Should fire be able to spread and extinguish itself? (true/false)

doMobLoot Should mobs drop items when they die? (true/false)

doMobSpawning Should mobs be allowed to spawn naturally? This option does not affect mobs spawned from spawners or by command. (true/false)

doTileDrops Should blocks drop when you destroy them? (true/false)

keepInventory Should players keep their items when they die? (true/false)

logAdminCommands Should administrative commands be logged to the console/server log? (true/false)

mobGriefing Should mobs be allowed to grief the world? For example, zombies breaking doors, endermen picking up blocks or creepers exploding. (true/false)

naturalRegeneration Should the health of players naturally (excludes potions, golden apples, etc.) regenerate over time? Players need sufficient food for this to work. (true/false)

randomTickSpeed How often block ticks occur. Block ticks include redstone, plant growth/decay, etc. Higher values result in higher speeds, making the speed of redstone, growth and decay faster. (positive integer)

reducedDebugInfo Should less info be shown on the debug display (F3)? Setting to false will also hide entity hitboxes (F3+B) and chunk boundaries (F3+G) if the user has them enabled. (true/false)

sendCommandFeedback Should feedback from vanilla commands be shown? For example, if you do /summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ with sendCommandFeedback set to false, the creeper will spawn but you will not get a message. (true/false)

showDeathMessages Should death messages be shown in the chat? (true/false)

1.9 and later

disableElytraMovementCheck Should the built-in Minecraft speed check be disabled for users wearing an elytra? NOTE: This can allow people to use an elytra to cheat using an elytra extra-flight hack. (true/false)

spawnRadius How far out from the set world spawn should players spawn when first joining or when dying without a personal spawn point (set by placing a bed and sleeping in it)? (positive integer)

spectatorsGenerateChunks Can players who are in spectate mode generate chunks when traveling around the world? (true/false)

1.10 and later

No new game rules.

1.11 and later

doWeatherCycle Will the weather change naturally? (true/false)

maxEntityCramming The maximum amount of entities that can be "pushed" in a small area before players take 3 HP suffocation damage per half-second. (positive integer)

1.12 and later

announceAdvancements Should an announcement be made to the server when someone achieves an advancement? (true/false)

Note: For pre-1.12 versions, you can change this in your server.properties file.

doLimitedCrafting Should players only be able to craft recipes they have unlocked? (true/false)

maxCommandChainLength Determines the value where the chain command block acts as a chain. (positive integer)

1.13 and later

No new game rules.

1.14 and later

No new game rules.

1.15 and later

doInsomnia Whether phantoms can spawn in the nighttime. (true/false)

doImmediateRespawn Players respawn immediately without showing the death screen. (true/false)

drowningDamage Whether the player should take damage when drowning. (true/false)

fallDamage Whether the player should take fall damage. (true/false)

fireDamage Whether the player should take fire damage. (true/false)

Last updated

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